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I would like to blame Lu Summers for my latest addiction...Yesterday Lu posted about her fantastic Teeny Weeny block, following a tutorial she had found. I was smitten and before I knew it I had countless 2" squares sitting on my desk.
Lu had found the tutorial from Elizabeth Hartman via Pinterest (don't you just love Pinterest?) and set to work on her block. If you haven't already seen Lu's block go check it's super cute.
This really is one of those genius ideas that makes sewing with tiny pieces of fabric a doddle and that's from someone who likes her pieces big!
The secret behind this method is placing the cut squares onto fusible interfacing and then folding and sewing in strips. You will honestly not believe how simple and quick it is and before you know you too will be requesting to be a member of Stamp Collection Block Anonymous because I defy you not to be addicted!
Head right here for Elizabeth's step by step tutorial, but be warned you will not walk away unscathed...
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