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I am a great starter...
I am a crap finisher...
There I've said it!
In an attempt to rectify that I am setting myself little goals to complete WIPs.I really don't mean to be so rubbish at finishing things but it is just that I get so distracted by new things coming along.Take the rainbow cushion below for instance.This was a Christmas project that I started 2 Christmases ago. With the third Christmas imminent, I felt pushed into a corner to finish it.
What amazes me most - and a lesson I wish I remembered - is how quickly projects are to finish once I actually set my mind to them.
Do you think I will remember this lesson in a couple of years when I get around to finishing my Oakshott Lipari Hexie cushion?
Probably not...guess I had better tackle this one whilst it's fresh.
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